Rebeca Yuniarti, Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi USURebeca Yuniarti, Mahasiswa Fakultas Ekonomi Jurusan Akuntansi USU
It’s have been 2 years since I took English course in LIA. My brother suggested me to choose LIA . Why must LIA? LIA has good services, good teachers. I feel comfortable in LIA . LIA has many activities , competition such as LEC (LIA English Club), charity event, etc. And I’ve never known that other courses give the same activities like LIA. In LIA, I got one important thing that: we have to be brave to speak English in front of many people. Cause, my teacher in LIA said, “speaking has no rules!” So, you must to speak English eventhough your English isn’t fluent yet. People can understand what you mean. Because of that, at LIA class, when my teacher asked me, I could answer that, haha… Ijust be brave to answer that, and then teacher correct my sentences.It’s have been 2 years since I took English course in LIA. My brother suggested me to choose LIA . Why must LIA? LIA has good services, good teachers. I feel comfortable in LIA . LIA has many activities , competition such as LEC (LIA English Club), charity event, etc. And I’ve never known that other courses give the same activities like LIA. In LIA, I got one important thing that: we have to be brave to speak English in front of many people. Cause, my teacher in LIA said, “speaking has no rules!” So, you must to speak English eventhough your English isn’t fluent yet. People can understand what you mean. Because of that, at LIA class, when my teacher asked me, I could answer that, haha… Ijust be brave to answer that, and then teacher correct my sentences.