Our Teacher Guru Kami


lbpp lia medan MISS HAFNI NAME : Hafni
BIRTHDATE : November 28, 1968
GRADUATED FROM : Andalas University (Padang)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : hafni.ardi@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Two apples a day, keep the doctor away
ABOUT ME : I am a cheerful, friendly and optimistic teacher who appreciates students big efforts in study. The process is more important than the result
HOBBY : Reading, traveling & gardening

frans NAME : Frans Iwama
BIRTHDATE : May 16, 1977
GRADUATED FROM : The University of HKBP Nomensen (Medan)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : frans_iwama@yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : To be or not to be
ABOUT ME : So far, LIA is an ideal place to improve my teaching skills. I remember I had problems to adjust my previous teaching skills with LIA’s  way of teaching. “Learning by doing” is the key word to be better. I am better now
HOBBY : Reading, watching movies and listening to music

 no_photo NAME : Firli
BIRTHDATE : September 02, 1974
GRADUATED FROM : STBA Prayoga (Padang)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : ayahbunda_7482pdg @yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : No pain no gain
ABOUT ME : I am an easy going person who perseveres in any efforts
HOBBY : Outdoor activities, sport, traveling

lbpp lia medan MISS AGUS NAME : Agustina Sihotang
BIRTHDATE : August 16, 1977
GRADUATED FROM : Riau University (Riau)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : sihagustina@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Do the best for every single thing that you do To be different is OK!
ABOUT ME : I am not only cheerful but also serious and simple. I love working at LIA because there I can meet nice
HOBBY : Reading and cooking

makepic NAME : Hardiansyah
GRADUATED FROM : Universitas Sumatera Utara
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : hardiansyah@outlook.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Cogito Ergo Sum
ABOUT ME : Mindfulness
HOBBY : Reading, Writing, Swimming, Yoga, Traveling

263931_430026973701049_1967555842_n NAME : Cut Mayang Purnama Sari
BIRTHDATE : May 29, 1985
UNDERGRADUATE : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : mayangpurnama455@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Learning by Listening
ABOUT ME : Unpredictable
HOBBY : Reading, Listening Music

ananda-triana-anwar NAME : Ananda Triana Anwar
BIRTHDATE : February , 19 th, 1990
UNDERGRADUATE : Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) – School of Communication
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : anandatriana.anwar@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : What you see isn’t what you get
ABOUT ME : Complicatedly simple
HOBBY : Reading, Watching korean drama, Writing poetry

r-deddy-harryanto NAME : R. Deddy Harryanto
BIRTHDATE : August , 24, 1977
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : rdeddy.harryanto@yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Do what you think is right , until it is proven wrong. If so, don’t be afraid to revise and correct it
ABOUT ME : To me, happiness is my goal in everything. Perfection can only be achieved right after happiness
HOBBY : Reading, watching action sci-fi movies

jonris-tampubolon NAME : Jonris Tampubolon
BIRTHDATE : November , 26 , 1989
UNDERGRADUATE : Prima Indonesia University
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : john89tpb@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Life without fakes is the real life
ABOUT ME : I love simplicity
HOBBY : Watching , travelling and singing

marina-sihombing NAME : Marina Winda Puspita Sihombing
BIRTHDATE : September 18, 1989
UNDERGRADUATE : University of Sumatera Utara
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : marinawps@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Life without fakes is the real life
ABOUT ME : Doing the best is a must
HOBBY : Shopping & Reading

bernard NAME : Bernard Richard Nainggolan
BIRTHDATE : July  8, 1988
UNDERGRADUATE : State University of Medan (UNIMED)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : bernardr6@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : life is a progressive struggle, sometimes people fall and rise- the thing is we must survive
ABOUT ME : Black, white and red are my favourite colors. Spending time with friends are my   happiness. I am determined sociable, good at cooking, moody ( in case of something), enjoyable, and easy going. Come and make a friend with me then you’ll taste the diffrence. Last but not least, I’m not good at showing my care to others . However, they may not realise I spend thinking too much about them .(I don’t know why!)

lasnawaty NAME : Lasnawati Sihaloho
BIRTHDATE : February 23, 1987
UNDERGRADUATE : Universitas Negeri Medan
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : laloho2611@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Keep working on the right track.
ABOUT ME : Simple life in a lot of blessings.
HOBBY : reading books, cooking, singing

heri-edward-daniel-siahaan NAME : Heri Edward Siahaan
BIRTHDATE : January , 04, 1984
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : harryedward23@yahoo.co.id
MOTTO OF LIFE : People should not be afraid of their Governments, governments should be afraid of their people
ABOUT ME : Simple, I love simple things.
HOBBY : Reading, chatting, watching movies

rini-nainggolan NAME : Rini Amalia Nainggolan
BIRTHDATE : Agustus, 15
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : nglrini20152gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Improving myself on daily basis
ABOUT ME : Friendly and well-motivated
HOBBY : Watching movies

donna-pasaribu NAME : Donna Ria Pasaribu, M.Pd
BIRTHDATE : August , 16, 1964
UNDERGRADUATE : Western Washington University, HKBP Nomensen University
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : donna_pasribu@yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : All that glitter is not gold
HOBBY : reading , watching DVD/Movies

NAME : Gita Tampubolon
BIRTHDATE : May, 17th, 1967
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : gita_tampubolon@yahoo.com
ABOUT ME : I love stories.  I got my knowledges from them. That’s why aside from being an Interpreter.  I was also a translator for being movies  foe several TV stations (Indonesiar, RCTI, Global Tv, Trans TV).
HOBBY : Watching movies, reading books, swimming, travelling


lbpp lia medan MISS HAFNI NAME : Hafni
BIRTHDATE : November 28, 1968
GRADUATED FROM : Andalas University (Padang)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : hafni.ardi@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Two apples a day, keep the doctor away
ABOUT ME : I am a cheerful, friendly and optimistic teacher who appreciates students big efforts in study. The process is more important than the result
HOBBY : Reading, traveling & gardening

frans NAME : Frans Iwama
BIRTHDATE : May 16, 1977
GRADUATED FROM : The University of HKBP Nomensen (Medan)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : frans_iwama@yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : To be or not to be
ABOUT ME : So far, LIA is an ideal place to improve my teaching skills. I remember I had problems to adjust my previous teaching skills with LIA’s  way of teaching. “Learning by doing” is the key word to be better. I am better now
HOBBY : Reading, watching movies and listening to music

 no_photo NAME : Firli
BIRTHDATE : September 02, 1974
GRADUATED FROM : STBA Prayoga (Padang)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : ayahbunda_7482pdg @yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : No pain no gain
ABOUT ME : I am an easy going person who perseveres in any efforts
HOBBY : Outdoor activities, sport, traveling

lbpp lia medan MISS AGUS NAME : Agustina Sihotang
BIRTHDATE : August 16, 1977
GRADUATED FROM : Riau University (Riau)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : sihagustina@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Do the best for every single thing that you do To be different is OK!
ABOUT ME : I am not only cheerful but also serious and simple. I love working at LIA because there I can meet nice
HOBBY : Reading and cooking

makepic NAME : Hardiansyah
GRADUATED FROM : Universitas Sumatera Utara
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : hardiansyah@outlook.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Cogito Ergo Sum
ABOUT ME : Mindfulness
HOBBY : Reading, Writing, Swimming, Yoga, Traveling

263931_430026973701049_1967555842_n NAME : Cut Mayang Purnama Sari
BIRTHDATE : May 29, 1985
UNDERGRADUATE : Universitas Islam Sumatera Utara
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : mayangpurnama455@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Learning by Listening
ABOUT ME : Unpredictable
HOBBY : Reading, Listening Music

ananda-triana-anwar NAME : Ananda Triana Anwar
BIRTHDATE : February , 19 th, 1990
UNDERGRADUATE : Universiti Sains Malaysia (USM) – School of Communication
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : anandatriana.anwar@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : What you see isn’t what you get
ABOUT ME : Complicatedly simple
HOBBY : Reading, Watching korean drama, Writing poetry

r-deddy-harryanto NAME : R. Deddy Harryanto
BIRTHDATE : August , 24, 1977
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : rdeddy.harryanto@yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Do what you think is right , until it is proven wrong. If so, don’t be afraid to revise and correct it
ABOUT ME : To me, happiness is my goal in everything. Perfection can only be achieved right after happiness
HOBBY : Reading, watching action sci-fi movies

jonris-tampubolon NAME : Jonris Tampubolon
BIRTHDATE : November , 26 , 1989
UNDERGRADUATE : Prima Indonesia University
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : john89tpb@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Life without fakes is the real life
ABOUT ME : I love simplicity
HOBBY : Watching , travelling and singing

marina-sihombing NAME : Marina Winda Puspita Sihombing
BIRTHDATE : September 18, 1989
UNDERGRADUATE : University of Sumatera Utara
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : marinawps@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Life without fakes is the real life
ABOUT ME : Doing the best is a must
HOBBY : Shopping & Reading

bernard NAME : Bernard Richard Nainggolan
BIRTHDATE : July  8, 1988
UNDERGRADUATE : State University of Medan (UNIMED)
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : bernardr6@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : life is a progressive struggle, sometimes people fall and rise- the thing is we must survive
ABOUT ME : Black, white and red are my favourite colors. Spending time with friends are my   happiness. I am determined sociable, good at cooking, moody ( in case of something), enjoyable, and easy going. Come and make a friend with me then you’ll taste the diffrence. Last but not least, I’m not good at showing my care to others . However, they may not realise I spend thinking too much about them .(I don’t know why!)

lasnawaty NAME : Lasnawati Sihaloho
BIRTHDATE : February 23, 1987
UNDERGRADUATE : Universitas Negeri Medan
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : laloho2611@gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Keep working on the right track.
ABOUT ME : Simple life in a lot of blessings.
HOBBY : reading books, cooking, singing

heri-edward-daniel-siahaan NAME : Heri Edward Siahaan
BIRTHDATE : January , 04, 1984
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : harryedward23@yahoo.co.id
MOTTO OF LIFE : People should not be afraid of their Governments, governments should be afraid of their people
ABOUT ME : Simple, I love simple things.
HOBBY : Reading, chatting, watching movies

rini-nainggolan NAME : Rini Amalia Nainggolan
BIRTHDATE : Agustus, 15
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : nglrini20152gmail.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : Improving myself on daily basis
ABOUT ME : Friendly and well-motivated
HOBBY : Watching movies

donna-pasaribu NAME : Donna Ria Pasaribu, M.Pd
BIRTHDATE : August , 16, 1964
UNDERGRADUATE : Western Washington University, HKBP Nomensen University
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : donna_pasribu@yahoo.com
MOTTO OF LIFE : All that glitter is not gold
HOBBY : reading , watching DVD/Movies

NAME : Gita Tampubolon
BIRTHDATE : May, 17th, 1967
POSITION : Teacher
EMAIL ADDRESS : gita_tampubolon@yahoo.com
ABOUT ME : I love stories.  I got my knowledges from them. That’s why aside from being an Interpreter.  I was also a translator for being movies  foe several TV stations (Indonesiar, RCTI, Global Tv, Trans TV).
HOBBY : Watching movies, reading books, swimming, travelling